[2024/7/14] version 1.0  b317 変更部分


V1.0 b316 > b317 での変更アイテムです。


[ 新規 ] signTraderBobInteriorNoLights,blocks

  旧:Trader Bob Interior Sign

  新:"Trader Bob Interior Sign, No Lights"

  旧:トレーダー ボブ室内看板



[ 英語 ] challengeCraftDewCollectorDesc,Challenges

  旧:"Water determines how fast your health and stamina bars recover. With empty hands, you can drink from any water source by pressing ''E''. Drinking water that has not been boiled has the risk of contracting dysentery. At a campfire, you can boil jars of water with a cooking pot. Your water level can be found in the character stats menu. An advanced method of collecting water is by crafting a Dew Collector. Water will affect regen speed when it is below 50% and 25%. All drink items will provide a small bonus to stamina regen while the 'drink' buff is visible."

  新:"Water determines how fast your health and stamina bars recover. With empty hands, you can drink from any water source by pressing "E". Drinking water that has not been boiled has the risk of contracting dysentery. At a campfire, you can boil jars of water with a cooking pot. Your water level can be found in the character stats menu. An advanced method of collecting water is by crafting a Dew Collector. Water will affect regen speed when it is below 50% and 25%. All drink items will provide a small bonus to stamina regen while the 'drink' buff is visible."


[ 日本語 ] challengeQuestTierCompleteDesc,Challenges

  旧:[DECEA3]トレーダー[-]はあなたの[DECEA3]クエストティア[-]に応じて[DECEA3]クエスト[-]を提供します。[DECEA3]トレーダー[-]のクエストを[DECEA3]10[-]回達成すると、そのティアの[DECEA3]クエスト[-]が完了します。共有クエストはカウントされません。その後、[DECEA3]トレーダー[-]に話しかけると、貴重な[DECEA3]クエストティア完了報酬[-]がもらえます。[DECEA3]クエストティア[-]が上がると、[DECEA3]クエストの種類[-]が追加されます。現在の[DECEA3]クエストティア[-]はトレーダー画面で確認することができます。\n\n[DECEA3]クエストの種類[-]には、[DECEA3]埋められた物資[-][DECEA3]一掃[-][DECEA3]回収[-][DECEA3]大量発生[-][DECEA3]回収 / 一掃[-][DECEA3]電源復旧[-]があります。

  新:[DECEA3]トレーダー[-]はあなたの[DECEA3]クエストティア[-]に応じて[DECEA3]クエスト[-]を提供します。[DECEA3]トレーダー[-]のクエストを[DECEA3]10[-]回達成すると、そのティアの[DECEA3]クエスト[-]が完了します。デフォルトでは、一日[DECEA3]3[-]クエストまで[DECEA3]クエストティア[-]の進行にカウントされます。その後完了したっクエストの報酬も受け取ることは出来ますが、[DECEA3]クエストティア[-]の進行にはカウントされません。\n\n[DECEA3]クエストティア[-]完了後、[DECEA3]トレーダー[-]に話しかけると、貴重な[DECEA3]クエストティア完了報酬[-]がもらえます。\n\n[DECEA3]クエストティア[-]が上がると、[DECEA3]クエストの種類[-]が追加されます。現在の[DECEA3]クエストティア[-]はトレーダー画面で確認することができます。\n\n[DECEA3]クエストの種類[-]には、[DECEA3]埋められた物資[-][DECEA3]一掃[-][DECEA3]回収[-][DECEA3]大量発生[-][DECEA3]回収 / 一掃[-][DECEA3]電源復旧[-]があります。


[ 英語 ] lockPickingTip,Journal Tip

  旧:"Some containers can be unlocked using lockpicks.\nHold the interact key when looking at the container and select ''pick lock'' to start picking the lock.\nYou do not have to be holding the lockpicks to do this."

  新:"Some containers can be unlocked using lockpicks.\nHold the interact key when looking at the container and select "pick lock" to start picking the lock.\nYou do not have to be holding the lockpicks to do this."


[ 英語 ] waterTip,Journal Tip

  旧:"Water determines how fast your health and stamina bars recover. With empty hands, you can drink from any water source by pressing ''E''. Drinking water that has not been boiled has the risk of contracting dysentery. At a campfire, you can boil jars of water with a cooking pot. Your water level can be found in the character stats menu.\nAn advanced method of collecting water is by crafting a Dew Collector.\nWater will affect regen speed when it is below 50% and 25%.\nAll drink items will provide a small bonus to stamina regen while the 'drink' buff is visible."

  新:"Water determines how fast your health and stamina bars recover. With empty hands, you can drink from any water source by pressing "E". Drinking water that has not been boiled has the risk of contracting dysentery. At a campfire, you can boil jars of water with a cooking pot. Your water level can be found in the character stats menu.\nAn advanced method of collecting water is by crafting a Dew Collector.\nWater will affect regen speed when it is below 50% and 25%.\nAll drink items will provide a small bonus to stamina regen while the 'drink' buff is visible."


[ 英語 ] perkBarBrawling0Desc,progression

  旧:"Learn from Irish legend ''Lucky Bastard'' himself and never get bested in a good ol' fashioned bar room brawl."

  新:"Learn from Irish legend "Lucky Bastard" himself and never get bested in a good ol' fashioned bar room brawl."


[ 英語 ] perkSalvageOperationsRank2LongDesc,progression

  旧:"Most people call you “Scavver“, but at least it's an honest living. Salvage tools deal 20% more damage, harvest 40% faster, and gain up to 40% more resources with a wrench, ratchet or impact driver. Stamina costs are reduced by 15% and 30% for power attacks. Find more salvage tools and parts in loot."

  新:"Most people call you “Scavver”, but at least it's an honest living. Salvage tools deal 20% more damage, harvest 40% faster, and gain up to 40% more resources with a wrench, ratchet or impact driver. Stamina costs are reduced by 15% and 30% for power attacks. Find more salvage tools and parts in loot."


[ 英語 ] perkMiner69rRank3LongDesc,progression

  旧:"You're now a professional miner, or what they called “Muckmen“, back in the day. Increase tool damage by 30% and block damage by 90% with any axe, pick, shovel, chainsaw or auger. Stamina costs are reduced by 20% and 40% for power attacks. Find more tools and parts in loot."

  新:"You're now a professional miner, or what they called “Muckmen”, back in the day. Increase tool damage by 30% and block damage by 90% with any axe, pick, shovel, chainsaw or auger. Stamina costs are reduced by 20% and 40% for power attacks. Find more tools and parts in loot."


[ 英語 ] subtitle_trader_jen_greetaft_03,subtitles

  旧:"Konichiwa! That's ''good afternoon'' in Japanese."

  新:"Konichiwa! That's "good afternoon" in Japanese."


[ 英語 ] subtitle_trader_jen_sale_declined_07,subtitles

  旧:"If I had a Duke for every time someone was ''just looking'', I'd be as rich as Trader Joel."

  新:"If I had a Duke for every time someone was "just looking", I'd be as rich as Trader Joel."


[ 英語 ] subtitle_trader_jen_sale_declined_11,subtitles

  旧:"Sorry but I've never heard of a ''stim-pack''..."

  新:"Sorry but I've never heard of a "stim-pack"..."


[ 英語 ] TwitchTip_CooldownsDesc,twitch

  旧:"Cooldowns give you the necessary breaks from ''bad'' actions in order to play the game while still allowing chat participation. Each ''bad'' spawn action fills up the cooldown bar. This will start a timed cooldown where viewers can still earn points and still use ''good'' actions. As your actionstage increases, the cooldown points pool also increases, allowing viewers to activate more ''bad'' spawns. Cooldown presets  can be used to configure the amount of ''bad'' spawns to trigger cooldowns, cooldown durations, and blood moon grace period."

  新:"Cooldowns give you the necessary breaks from "bad" actions in order to play the game while still allowing chat participation. Each "bad" spawn action fills up the cooldown bar. This will start a timed cooldown where viewers can still earn points and still use "good" actions. As your actionstage increases, the cooldown points pool also increases, allowing viewers to activate more "bad" spawns. Cooldown presets  can be used to configure the amount of "bad" spawns to trigger cooldowns, cooldown durations, and blood moon grace period."


[ 英語 ] TwitchTip_SafeZonesDesc,twitch

  旧:"Safe zones such as Trader and Land Claim areas offer protection from ''bad'' spawn actions. The status will change to ''Safe'' when you are inside the bounds of a safe zone. This should not be confused with the pause button that pauses all actions. "

  新:"Safe zones such as Trader and Land Claim areas offer protection from "bad" spawn actions. The status will change to "Safe" when you are inside the bounds of a safe zone. This should not be confused with the pause button that pauses all actions. "


[ 英語 ] loadingTipUnlockingRecipes,UI

  旧:"If a recipe shows a lock icon, you cannot craft it yet. The item's ''unlock'' tab will show you one or more ways to unlock it.\nRecipes are unlocked by reading a schematic, a perk book, or a crafting skill magazine."

  新:"If a recipe shows a lock icon, you cannot craft it yet. The item's "unlock" tab will show you one or more ways to unlock it.\nRecipes are unlocked by reading a schematic, a perk book, or a crafting skill magazine."


[ 英語 ] xuiModsAntiCheatModWithCodeText,UI

  旧:"Tried loading at least one Mod that has custom code. This is not supported with AntiCheat active.\nClick ''Ok'' if you want to restart with AntiCheat disabled.\nClick ''Cancel'' if you want to continue without those Mods loaded."

  新:"Tried loading at least one Mod that has custom code. This is not supported with AntiCheat active.\nClick "Ok" if you want to restart with AntiCheat disabled.\nClick "Cancel" if you want to continue without those Mods loaded."


[ 英語 ] platformNamePSN,UI

  旧:PlayStation Network



[ 英語 ] trader_jen_greeting_01,UI

  旧:“Another stranger in need? I’ve got what you’re lookin’ for.",,"“Another stranger in need? I’ve got what you’re lookin’ for.",,"Noch ein Fremder in Not? Ich habe genau das

  新:“Another stranger in need? I’ve got what you’re lookin’ for.”


[ 日本語 ] trader_jen_greeting_01,UI




[ 英語 ] trader_jen_sale_accepted_01,UI

  旧:"Alrighty then. Stay safe out there!"

  新:“Alrighty then. Stay safe out there!”


[ 英語 ] trader_jen_sale_accepted_02,UI

  旧:"I just knew you’d find something you'd like!"

  新:“I just knew you’d find something you'd like!”


[ 英語 ] xuiOptionsAudioMumblePositionalAudioSupportEnabledTooltip,UI

  旧:"Enable support for Mumble's Positional Audio feature. Needs to also be enabled within the Mumble client.\nSee the ''Mumble Positional Audio'' page on the official 7 Days To Die wiki on Fandom for further details."

  新:"Enable support for Mumble's Positional Audio feature. Needs to also be enabled within the Mumble client.\nSee the "Mumble Positional Audio" page on the official 7 Days To Die wiki on Fandom for further details."


[ 英語 ] xuiOptionsAudioVoiceInputDevice,UI

  旧:Input device

  新:Voice Input Device


[ 英語 ] xuiOptionsAudioVoiceOutputDevice,UI

  旧:Output device

  新:Voice Output Device

[ 日本語 ] xuiOptionsControlsControllerTriggerEffectsTooltip,UI

  旧:DualSense™ コントローラーなどの対応コントローラーでトリガーエフェクトを有効化する。

  新:DualSense® コントローラーなどの対応コントローラーでトリガーエフェクトを有効化する。


