[2024/7/25] version 1.0  b332 変更部分


V1.0 b326-328 > b330 での変更アイテムです。


[ 英語 ] TwitchTip_ChatCommandsDesc,twitch

  旧:"Twitch Integration relies on your live stream viewers to spend points by using commands. They can check their points balance at any time with #checkpoints or #cp. The default target for action commands is the streamer. Some actions such as spawning enemies, or supply crates can be used to target specific party members by adding player name or party number order after the command.Examples Include:\n*#[command] [target]\n*#spawn_normal cheebsco – Target by name of party member.\n*#supply_weapon 1 – Target by number of party member, shown in the party order."

  新:"Twitch Integration relies on your live stream viewers to spend points by using commands. They can check their points balance at any time with #checkpoints or #cp. The default target for action commands is the streamer. Some actions such as spawning enemies, or supply crates can be used to target specific party members by adding player name or party number order after the command.\nExamples Include:\n*#[command] [target]\n*#spawn_normal cheebsco – Target by name of party member.\n*#supply_weapon 1 – Target by number of party member, shown in the party order."


